Department of English Library, University of Ljubljana


Knjižnica za anglistiko, germanistiko in prevajalstvo
Aškrčeva 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 241 1350

The Library for English, German, and Translation Studies of the Department of English at the University of Ljubljana is a common library of the Department of German, Dutch and Swedish and the Department of Translation Studies and was initially founded in 1920. The common library fond counts more than 77,200 library units. In addition to its collection containing books on English and German literature, translation studies, general and text linguistics, literary history and theory, and English and German teaching methodology, the library represents the best and most numerous resource of works in Swedish, Dutch, Danish, Icelandic and Norwegian literature in Slovenia.

See also

External links

Knjižnica za anglistiko, germanistiko in prevajalstvo +
Knjižnica za anglistiko, germanistiko in prevajalstvo +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Aškrčeva 2 +
The Library for English, German, and TransThe Library for English, German, and Translation Studies of the Department of English at the University of Ljubljana is a common library of the Department of German, Dutch and Swedish and the Department of Translation Studies and was initially founded in 1920.Studies and was initially founded in 1920. +
+386 / 1 241 1350 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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